Consultant Specialist in Paediatrics,
Immunology-Hematology and Primary ImmunoDeficiencies
Necker Hospital, Paris, France
Dr. Mahlaoui trained as a medical doctor at Claude Bernard Medical School (Lyon, France) and Bichat Medical School (Paris). He specialized in pediatric rheumatology, immunology and haematology at Necker Medical School (Paris) and is presently completing his PhD in Public Health-Epidemiology-Clinical Research at Paris Descartes University (Paris).
Dr. Mahlaoui coordinates the French National Reference Center for Primary Immune Deficiencies (CEREDIH, at Necker-Enfants Malades University Hospital (Paris). He is chairman-elect of the European Society for Immunodeficiences (ESID) registry working party, Chairman of the IPOPI (International Patient Organisation for PIDs) medical advisory panel and President of the French Paediatric Immuno-Hematology Society.
Dr. Mahlaoui focuses on PID and Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) screening, and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation or gene therapy treatments. Dr. Mahlaoui advocates in favour of promoting PID and SCID newborn screening across the EU, through sharing best practices on diagnosis, research and developing clinical guidelines.
Recent studies have focused on characterizing immunodeficiency disease course, identifying outcome predictors and evaluating treatment responses, evaluating burden of disease in children with severe chronic conditions and PIDs, and the implications of transitioning from paediatric to adult medicine for patient management.